Saturday, May 19, 2012

Day 2 and 3

I had a busy day yesterday, so I thought I'd do a double post. Also, I'm absolutely exhausted so this might not be so detailed or informative.

Yesterday's workout, the plyometric cardio circuit, was really really hard. The warmup is really exhausting. I was able to complete it fairly well. Once I got to the actual exercises, I was gone. After the first couple of sets, I was so nauseous that I had to stop the video and go eat something to settle my stomach. I tried to take as short a break as possible to run to the kitchen and eat a small amount of banana and granola. Afterwards, I wasn't as nauseous but I spent a lot of time on the floor or pausing the video until my heart rate returned to a healthy speed. I finished the 42 minute workout in a little under an hour, I FINISHED. For the rest of the day, I couldn't squat down in the least because of the pain in my quads. My back was very sore as well. Getting in and out of a car has never been more difficult. I couldn't imagine being able to safely do a workout the next day.

I woke up this morning even stiffer. I was determined to complete the power and resistance circuit before going to work. To my astonishment, my muscles were able to handle another full workout. Granted, it was very difficult and I did about 1/3 as much as the people on the screen. But I didn't get nauseous, and I didn't have to take more than a couple very short breaks from the video. I followed it well except for the push-ups, which I didn't lower very far or just held in a plank (since Shaun T said I shouldn't compromise form...and I try my best to do what Shaun T says).

The pain that I feel right now is so much worse than yesterday. A single stair is difficult, sitting up from a reclining position is so painful. My legs hurt the most, followed by my abs, back, and arms in that order. I moved far too slowly at work today. I thought, this is what it must feel like to be an old person.

Luckily, I have recovery tomorrow, I'm looking forward to this pain subsiding soon. I'll sleep very well tonight.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Day 1 - Fit Test

This is the first time I've felt nauseous after exercising since I thought I was a good match for my high school crew team.* Seriously excruciating. The worst part is that it feels like Shaun T knows what I'm up to. I take a breather and he's like, JUST ONE MORE and I'm like YEAH I CAN DO JUST ONE MORE but really it made me feel pukey and it made my butt hurt. All complaining aside, I did not throw up and I felt relatively fine after the end of my workout. Well, 20 minutes or so after the end of my workout.

Here are the results of my very first fit-test:

Switch Kicks - 101 50
These aren't the most terrible and you can actually feel the exact muscles that are being worked burning (mostly glutes). Furthermore, they gave me a boost of confidence when I finished the set with 101 switch kicks. My first day and I've already beat Chris! I felt pretty damn good.

Upon further investigation, I realized that a switch kick is two kicks, the left AND the right. So truthfully I did 50.

Power Jacks - 35
Once again, these aren't the worst of the exercises but they were definitely more challenging for me than the switch kicks. I felt good about my form and ability to pace myself. At this point I'm still feeling relatively confident.

Power Knees - 61
Confidence: gone. Oh lord I hate these. My biggest issue was that my right leg wasn't actually strong enough to confidently hold the squat position the entire time. It burned more than my abs. This was the first of the exercises that made me collapse on the floor afterward. After this exercise, I began developing my personal grudge against Tanya, who did almost twice as many as me and was still standing.

Power Jumps - 19
These were very painful, but I thought I looked really cool doing them and that slightly made up for the pain. Power Jumps made me make some really strange noises. Once again, I was on the floor afterwards. Only this time, I was grasping my asthma inhaler for dear life. I took a few minute break after this.

Globe Jumps - 5
These were easier than power jumps, and the four jump rotation encouraged a small period of rest after each four jumps.

Suicide Jumps - 12
I felt least confident with my form during these. I was also getting to this point where it was really hard to balance and I was getting a bit dizzy. Every time I landed my jump felt like a miracle.

After this, Chris says he felt just like the first day. I didn't cry, but I thought about it. My face looked kind of like one of those cartoon angry people, more of a deep magenta than a red.

Push-up Jacks - 7
Did I mention I can't do a pushup? I was surprised that these were slightly easier than regular pushups --the momentum of pushing the legs apart makes it easier to lower the pushup. Though I completed 7, I only lowered myself about half-way. That counts for me. My upper body is so awful.

Did I mention I hate Tanya? HOW IS SHE SO STRONG?!?!

Low Plank Oblique - 23

Shaun T, did I really make it to the last exercise? Hurray! I got a bit of a second wind during this one. I felt much more confident doing these than the Suicide Jumps or Push-up Jacks. Still, I rested twice during this one.

Chris cries a bit afterward. I can relate.

Tanya, on the other hand, does 70 and and finishes like a lioness who just made a kill. Shaun T nicknames her, "the machine." I have an alternative nickname: lady who makes me feel inferior.

I did the 5 meals today as well. I don't think I'll focus so much on this in later posts because I eat small meals already, it isn't a big change.

Meal 1 - Yogurt with Barbara's Puffins and a banana.
Meal 2 - A small amount of leftover General Tso's chicken and some butternut squash (definitely not on the plan and a really weird combo.)
Meal 3 - Turkey sandwich with avocado, onions, spinach, and hotsauce on some dank healthfood bread my mom buys. Also, some more butternut squash. I really have a thing for butternut squash.
Meal 4 - A salad with a bunch of stuff in it including a hardboiled egg. I took out the yolk because the plan seems so adamant about eggwhites. But that's half the egg! gone!
Also, a crostini with mozzarella, prosciutto, and pesto.
Meal 5 - A cookie and potato chips. I hate eating well so much.

Honestly, I think that I could get into a habit of eating better. The one thing I will have a problem with is not visiting Taco Bell...I will be visiting Taco Bell.

To conclude, I survived!

*I wasn't. 

Welcome to the INSANITY

It's the beginning of my summer break from college. I have four weeks till a month-long trip to Prague, and then another month and a half till I go off to Los Angeles for the first time. I heard a lot people there are dreamy and buff. I, on the other hand, am a very weak little girl. Like running is among my least favorite activities kind of weak. Like my flexed bicep feels no different from my relaxed bicep kind of weak. Like I can't do a single push-up weak (sorry Shaun T, I'll work on that.)

So I decided I want to be fit and feel good, and look freakin' good to go with it. I want to put my Beyonce freakum dress on and go out on the town in LA feeling confident. I want to be mistaken for a movie star. These are insane thoughts. So is the thought of me doing the INSANITY workout program. But hey, I guess I'm doing that. 

Welcome to my blog that will hopefully (if I get through any workouts) chronicle my experience with BeachBody's INSANITY workout. My plan is to complete the first 28 days of the program before my Prague trip. After the trip, I'll have 40-something days to get back in shape and then complete month 2.  Depending on how this thing works, I might have to do month 1 over again.

If you don't know how the program works, there is a 28 day period of terror and torture, followed by a week of recovery, followed by another 28 days of even worse terror and torture. Alongside this "cardio work" is a not so scary nutrition plan that calls for five 300-400 calorie meals a day. The nutrition plan is presented as a "this type of eating will help you to not drop dead during the program" plan rather than a diet plan. Good looks. I'm ready. I think. Eesh.  

If I can get through this, anyone can. Watch your insanely ripped back Shaun T.